Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Tan summer skirt

I used McCalls 4783 for this skirt and eliminated the waistband on it by just cutting the skirt piece several inches taller and contouring it. There is a center seam that is not very noticeable. > That is the inside hem.

Parade of the Blue Aprons

I bought some of this darling blue fabric at Wal-mart because it screamed “APRON” at me! *smile* I started out with 2 ½ yds of it and after making two aprons I had to go back and get more; I just couldn’t resist! :D I ended up using three different blues to line them all, but they all go quite well together.

^ Simplicity 4282 View B (I left the back pieces off)

^ Butterick 4945 View E – My #2 favorite!

^ Butterick 4945 View E – This one was made out of some of the scraps. I shortened the flounce just so I had enough!

^ Simplicity 4282 View D – I did not use the pleat marks on the pattern; I just did it where I thought it looked good.

^ Simplicity 4282 View E – Not much to say about this one, except it has the best coverage for messy jobs!

^ Butterick 6567 View A – This is my favorite one!

^The back of the above one. My sister ties the most darling bows!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Yellow Eyelet Dress

For the dress we used the top part of Simplicity 7219 and added it to the skirt of Butterick 4513; adjusting the waistline, of course. The jacket it Butterick 4792 which was altered to have a lining and no facing. She is wearing a petticoat that has been so altered that it wouldn't be recognizable from it's pattern. Oh, so classy!

P.S. The hemline of the jacket is not uneven, it is just photographed that way! :)

Coin purse

Pink skirt#2

This one still hasn't been hemmed because I decided to make a different skirt for the event I'd intended it for.

I did not use a pattern; just took it off a already existing skirt. The stripes are chocolate! *happy sigh*

Pink skirt#1

I wanted the flounces to be much fuller, but when you work without a pattern, there are risks. *smile* The lace on the seams came from my grandmother and I have no clue how old it is! It was time consuming to tack every flower down, but I managed.

I'll start this...

...with one of my favorite April projects; a black and white skirt for my little sister.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Why "Cheering On"?


Cheer (chîr) noun
1. Lightness of spirits or mood; gaiety or joy: a happy tune, full of cheer.
2. A source of joy or happiness; a comfort.
Cheering: synonyms: auspicious, bright, comforting, heartening, hopeful, promising, propitious.

On: [on, awn] preposition
35. forward, onward, or along, as in any course or process: further on.
36. with continuous activity: to work on.