My little sister made this skirt awhile ago, but it was too small so it was boxed away with the rest of her unfinished projects. Last week during a drastic purge, she let it go. Guess who took it?!
Originally I planned to turn it into a shorter summer skirt for myself, but a brainstorm took place and I went to work. Viola! In one afternoon, I had completed (all but the hem) this retro jumper for my twelve-year-old sister!
I didn't use any patterns (I only glanced at one - does that count?). I chopped 9” off the bottom to use for the waistband and bib. I used the pre-cut waistband for the straps and I had to add the bib so that they would be long enough. Leftover scraps from an apron for the lining and two buttons from my stash completed the project.
Enough talk – onto the pictures now!

It's projects like these that keep me sewing!