Monday, October 27, 2008

Wide Leg Pants take 3

After the first two pairs, I discovered that I had enough of this denim (leftover from a skirt) to make another pair. Originally, they were going to be a "gaucho" length, but when the pockets turned out so well, I had to make them full length. That's why they have such a long cuff!

The pockets were styled after my favorite pair of denim pants (that I purchased). I used the measurements and shape. I LOVE how they turned out!!! Both the front and back. I'll definitely be doing that again!
And, what project have I not added cute little touches to? This was no exception. Blue calico with white vine like flowers and stripes adorn the inside of the cuff and the facing for the waistband. Topstitching was easy for this pair, as I did not have to constantly switch thread colors on my machine.

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